Thursday, May 8, 2008

Transplant Day +24

Hello friends,

Tomorrow I am going to have an ultra sound on my central line. They are planning to remove it in the next few days. All my blood levels are continuing to improve and the doctors are very happy about that. The levels related to my liver are still quite high but they are coming down. The doctors aren't sure what happened to cause them to go up so high but they don't seem to concerned. I am just glad they are coming down.

My appetite is getting a little better, I can eat somethings without too much trouble. I am still always tired however and have no energy to do anything. It takes as much as I've got to even post these blogs, but I want to keep it going.

Have a great days friends!

1 comment:

Legendary Kingdoms said...

Hey Steve,

You've got the strength to make it through all the cancer BS. You just gotta keep on believing. Anyway, I mailed you the CD we talked about. I included another one that with stuff I thought you might like as well.

Ok, this is all for now. Keep on Rockin!
