Sunday, May 4, 2008

Transplant Day +20

Greetings friends,

Things seem to be going much better, the diariah is gone but I am still having a hard time eating, just no appetite at all. I did manage to force down a pizza for supper though (WOOT! WOOT!). I think that puts my calorie count for the day at around 1,200. They want me to get at least 1,000 per day.

My blood counts continue to rise, I think the only thing below normal are my platelets. Also, they are planning to take out my central line in the next few days but the blood clot won't come out with it, so I'll still need the blood thinner shots daily.

Things are getting better slowly, and I ask for your continued prayers for my family and I.

Thank you all so very much for all you've done for us.

1 comment:

FollowJesus said...

Hey brother,
I am so happy that things are really turning around for you and am anxious to hear that you are feeling like your old self!
I will continue to lift you and your family up in prayer.
Many blessings to you and your family my friend.