Saturday, May 3, 2008

Transplant Day +19

Went in for my blood tests and everything looks good, the levels are nearing normal. I am still extremely exhausted all the time, nothing seems to help that. I still have to force myself to eat, but mostly just chug some high calorie drinks like Boost, Slim Fast, Carnation Instant Breakfast....because I can get them down and they don't make me feel nausious.

I think they are planning to take out my central line in a few days so that'd be great. I still have that blood clot to contend with, and the pain is still not gone. But it's so good to be home!!!

I think I need to re-learn the guitar, know any good teachers???

Only 81 days to go before my next scan!!!!!

Thank you all again.

1 comment:

Legendary Kingdoms said...

Hey Steve,

Glad to hear you are at home now. The hospital had to be pretty boring I'm sure. Well, anyway I did manage to start my own blog site, thanks to you after I saw how cool having a blog is. LOL If your ever bored just check out: I'm gonna try to post one of my stupid adventures or philosophies once a week or so.
Okay, it is wayyyyy past my bedtime once again so I gotta go. Anyway, I will mail that CD on Monday. Was gonna do it Saturday but I stayed up too late and then slept too late.