Sunday, April 27, 2008

Transplant Day +13

Greetings friends!!!

Today was a wonderful day. My 3 beautiful children came up to visit. It just made my whole day. I haven't seen them since I got admitted back about 11 days ago. I love them so much and this lymphoma and stem cell transplant has made me realize the many changes I need to make in my lifestyle to help them grow up to be happy, healthy well functioning adults.

Also, my niece Jen called. That also made my day. I haven't seen her in such a very long time and miss her dearly. I was so nice to hear her voice, we had a great talk.

More good news, the removed my N/G Tube this morning and started letting me eat some mild, soft foods. The diahriah seem to be getting better as well.

Thank you God and your Wonderful Son Jesus Christ for such a good day.

Hemoglbin 10.4
WBC 3.4
Platelets 38


FollowJesus said...

Hi Steve & Megan!
I am so happy that you had such a blessed day! Reading this had made my day! I would care to speculate that you are through the rough part and seeing the wide open lush valley below?
We are home! Back from Chicago, I am looking for an opportunity to come and visit, just let me know when is the best time for you guys.
I will be thinking about you two and your kids, lifting you up in sweet prayers.

Your friend, brother, mang, altogether cool guy,
"Up The Irons!"

Unknown said...

Steve I am so happy you had such a great sunday and I know this week will only continue to get better for you. Sending many hugs to you guys. smiles

Anonymous said...

Looks like it's going to be a beautiful day! I'm glad things are looking brighter. Nothing like family and friends to keep you on your toes! Keep smiling!!!


Legendary Kingdoms said...

Hey Steve, Just read your blog and then spent over 2 hours figuring out how to send a comment. Hahahahah...

Actually, after looking into it I will be starting my own blog soon so I owe you one there. I always wondered about them but never checked into it before.

Anyway, it sounds like things have improved a bit and hopefully they will continue to improve. I have a CD for you now. I just have to send it or drop it off.

Your story and what you are going through has definitely given me a better perspective of my own life. Saturday I was extremely pissed off to find that the city of Rochester is going to make me replace my perfectly good sidewalk within 60 days or else. How annoying. But not anywhere near as annoying as having cancer I'm sure. Man, I feel for you I really do. I often wonder why people who have so much to live for get screwed by fate so badly.

I think it's time for Fate to get kicked you know where. You've got the power!!!


Anonymous said...

It is SO wonderful to hear that you had a great day!! I bet the kids were so happy to see their Daddy and spend some time with you. You're an amazing guy with an awesome testimony!
