Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Transplant Day -5

DAY -5 Wednesday 4/9/2008 8:20 PM

I would like to start this entry with saying a few thanks.

Firstly, thanks so much to our Glorious Father and Creator God and His Wonderful and Loving Son Jesus Christ. They have blessed me far more than I have ever deserved. These blessings include, but are not limited to the following:

My Beautiful Wife Megan. Thank you so much for all that you do. Words or even thoughts cannot express the love I have for you. Sorry for putting you through all this crap and for being a butt-head, cry-baby, jerk……I don’t know how you do all that you do and I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your love, courage and strength. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!

My Three Children. Identical twin boys Jacob and Joshua, age 6, and sweet little Abby, age 3. They are my world, my life. I would do or give anything for them. I have never felt, or even knew such an intense and all consuming love existed until those twin Rolbiecki boys and their sister Abby came into my life.

My Parents. Both my parents are awesome and I don’t know how they put up with me through my teen years! There is nothing I could do or give them for all they’ve done for me. Mom, thanks for being such a kind and loving mom. Dad, you are, have always been and always will be my hero. I love you both so much words can’t describe.

My Brother and 4 Sisters. Even though we do not spend the time together like we use to, I want you all to know that I love so very much and wish we could spend more time together again. Maybe after Josh recovers from his surgery in July. Thank you so much for all you’ve done for my family and I this past year, it will never be forgotten.

My Incredible In-Laws. What can I say? Grammy, Jena and Rick, thanks so much for everything you've helped us out with in this difficult time, and even before it for that matter. I truly appreciate all that you have done for us and karma will find it's way to you all!!!

Nieces and Nephews. Sydney and Dylon, thanks for being such great kids and for all you've done for my entire family. I'll try and pay you back someday (after I win the Powerball!!) Christian and Mickey, thanks for your incredible hugs and love and for everything else you've done for us, again it would take a winning Poweball ticket to pay you back!!! Shaun, you're a great young man and I wish you the best. I miss seeing you though. Maybe after my recovery we can hook up a bit more often. Jennifer, I miss you so much and am so very proud of you. Thank you for the nice phone message you left me. I was going to call you tonight but I forgot my cell at home and can't call long distance from the hospital :-( I love you so much and can't wait to see you this July!!! Cassie, what can I say. You were heaven sent and words cannot describe the appreciation that my family has for everything you've done for us. Can't wait for your big day in July. We love you so much!

My Friends. I didn't really realize how wonderfully incredible my friends are until my diagnosis. My old band STIR will always be close to my heart, mostly because of that incredible guitarist they have (Carl... .Kobe, Cody?… um I forget his name, but trust me he’s phenomenal!). To all of my friends who’ve helped out spiritually, physically, emotionally or financially (and I know some of you have done more than just one of those), I am forever indebted to you all and consider myself to be extremely blessed to share this thing we call life with you all.

All of those eBayers. You people blew my mind. Total strangers helping me raise $$$ to ease the financial burden brought onto my family during this whole process. People from all across the US and even Canada sent checks, some couldn’t send any $$$ but sent prayers and well wishes instead. I even got some messages for advice from some who were recently diagnosed with the same cancer as I. Thank you all so much.

The Post Bulletin/KTTC/WCCO. Thank you for the attention you gave to my disease and eBay auction through your articles and Newscasts. My 2nd grade teacher, Ms. Shraggey (sp?), now Mrs. Berg, actually saw the KTTC spot and the next day she calls my house...WOW was that unreal! I couldn’t believe she’d remembered me after 34 years!!! But she did and she came over with class pictures. It was a great visit.

Last But Not Least, My Guitar Students. Every one of my 30 students, current and former, from age 6 to 60, are all incredible people and I count myself lucky to know you. Thank you all for your enduring patience throughout this incredibly rough battle that my family is going through. I miss all of you all and hope to be back at it sometime in August.

Okay, onto the transplant business. Today (and for the next 3 days) my regimen is the “E” and the “A” of the "BEAM" chemical cocktail for my chemo. I started at 8:00am and finished at 11:00am. Then I got to leave again – YAY!!! I have the same chemo again tonight from 8:00pm to 11:00pm. Then that continues over the next 3 days. I am feeling a bit tired but I think that’s more due to lack of sleep than side effects. I know there’s an extremely difficult and rough road ahead, but at least the chemo is going good so far – no ill effects yet!!! Update on that tomorrow.


Anonymous said...


You don't know me but I am an aquaintance of your sister Kim. I just wanted to say that I am sorry about what you are going through. We don't know why things happen, and it is actually not up to question as to why either. You know I am so frustrated with cancer research, that my ultimate goal will be to try and find a way to use sound waves (Radiology) to make a difference. This disease has taken many close to me. No one knows more than you that the fight is worth it. Steve I don't know you, and that is okay because I don't have to know you to understand what you are going through. I will extend a prayer out to you, and will wish you well.

Take Care

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Daddy. I love you with all of my heart. You are more than worth every effort. We just need to work on the Dairy Queen addiction ;)

Katrina said...

Steve and family
I'm so thankful to share this exprience with you through your many journeys.My prayers are with you everyday!"Don't Stop Believin!"P.S.May you all recover quickly.Much Love,Katrina