Sunday, April 13, 2008

Transplant Day -1

DAY -1 SUNDAY 4/13/08

Hey, hey, another great day. The nausea didn’t last long, but the fatigue is still there. I finished my chemo this morning at around 10:00am and then got to go home again!!! I just got back (I am a bit tardy, shhh, no one was at the desk when I snuck in). Tomorrow at 5:00am I will be given some hydration through IV for 4 hours. Between 9:30-10:00am my stem cells will be put back, then another 4 hours of IV fluids. As long as things go well I will be an out-patient after tomorrow, coming in every day for blood work and check-ups for awhile.

I am not too worried about the transplant. I am more concerned about the next body scan, whether it be in 1 month or 3 months or 6 months. I just wanna be rid of this horribly dreadful disease for ever. Thanks to all of my family and friends for the support, it means so much to Megan and I.


Steven M.

Hemoglobin 10.3
WBC 3.1
Plateletes 130

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My every thought is with you. You're not only gonna beat this thing, but you're gonna kick it's ass. I love you. -Jemma >^..^<