Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Transplant Day -6

DAY -6 Tuesday 4/8/2008 10:05 PM

Today was a great day. I checked in at 8:00 am and started the “B” drug of the “BEAM” chemo regimen at 10:30am and finished it at 12:30pm. I was a little scared of how the drug may effect me as this is my first experience with “BEAM”. But today was great,the only side effect I felt was a pretty good headache. That was taken care of nicely by some pain meds.

I actually got to leave the hospital after the chemo. I went home and rested, then went with my wife to pick up the kids from day care and then out for pizza!!! That was wonderful as the worst part of this whole experience is being away from my family (who mean everything to me).

Tomorrow I get the “E” and the “A” chemos from 8am to 11am and then again from 8pm to 1pm. If I’m feeling good I’ll be able to leave between the treatments, which is awesome. I thought I’d be stuck in the hospital 24/7 through this “BEAM” chemo. What a nice surprise to be able to get away for some time.

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