Saturday, April 26, 2008

Transplant Day +12

Greetings all!!!

I just wanted to make a quick post, I am extremely tired. I wanted to apologize mainly to my beautiful wife Megan. You have been so strong throughout all of this, and done so much that I am amazed by you and your spirit. I now, without a doubt, know that I am the luckiest man on the face of this earth to have you and your love, devotion and strength. I do not think that I could get through this without you. I am sorry Megan, that for the past few days I have let my spirit get so down and started to feel sorry for myself. I am sorry that you have had to see me in this shape, whimpering and whining, complaining about everything under the sun, and you already worrying so much, spending so much time here, then having to go home and deal with life. Well my fighting spirit is back and I am ready to do whatever it takes to see this through!!!!

I promise you Megan, when we get through this and I am back up on my feet, you are going to feel like a Princess. I am going to give you the best life you could have ever imagined and make you feel like the luckiest woman on earth, I PROMISE. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH.

To all friends and family, thank you so much for your prayers and/or well wishes and positive thoughts. I know that they have carried me through some very difficult times and will continue to do so. THANK YOU ALL AND GOD BLESS.

Hemoglobin 10.6
WBC 3.1
Platelets 41


Anonymous said...

"In sickness and in health."

Like Val (best nurse in the world)said, I can only hope that if I were in your position I would be as respectful, as graceful, and as full of humor as you are. I love you with all of my heart, Steve.

Anonymous said...

How would we ever know our true worth or abilities without life's 'tests'? Would we ever know we could slay a dragon if one wasn't standing in our path? We're dealt the cards we're dealt; it's how we play the hand that counts (even if it's all a bluff). [I'm all out of cliches...] You & Megan were meant to be together; now & forever. Steve, I know you can slay this dragon. When you're beaten down & feel like you can't go on, draw from the strength of the love you have for each other.

GreenGirl said...

Our church prayed for you today and we all think often of you and your family. Bad days come for us to appreciate the good ones. Hang on! Hope to see you eating pancakes soon.

Anonymous said...

Your amazing steve...absolutely amazing! The world would be a better place if more men were like you.
Love u bunches xoxoxox