Friday, June 20, 2008

Transplant Day +67

Greetings friends!!!

Well, I think I am starting to feel almost "normal" again. I am still having stomach problems but my doctor gave me some pain killers that have helped tremendously. They still can't find anything wrong in there though.

I had another PET and CT scan on the 16th and there wasn't even a hint of the lymphoma! WOO-HOO!!! My doctor still wants me to have some low dose radiation just to make sure the cancer is completely destroyed!!! I will have treatments once a day, 5 days a week for 3 weeks, which is gonna be tough finding someone to watch the kids for those times. But we'll figure it out.

I also had an ultra-sound done where the blood clot was, and it's still there. I have to have 6 more weeks of blood thinner shots and then another ultra-sound. The doctor said if it was still there, he would be "done with it", which is kinda weird because if it's something that he can be "done with" why are they treating it at all? I will ask for an explaination when I see him again if the clot is still there.

I won't be posting as much here unless something major comes up, but I will update the blog every once-in-a-while.

Thanks again to you all for helping me and my family through this trying time.


Friday, June 13, 2008

Transplant Day +60

Hey all. Well they did an endoscopy and saw some inflamation in my stomach. They took a biopsy of it and it came back as normal. I am still having stomach pains, and they won't give me any pain killers for now. I wish they would have found something, as something has to be causing this abdominal pain.

I go back in on Monday for another PET scan and depending on what that shows I will or will not get some radiation treatments under my left arm. Mostly likely I will get the treatments.

Okay then, that is all.


Sunday, June 8, 2008

Transplant Day +55

Nothing new to report during the last few days. Still having stomach issues and eating troubles. Tomorrow I am going to have an upper endoscopy, they are gonna stick a tiny camera down my throat and look at my stomach to see if they can find the cause of my discomfort. I hope they find something so it can get treated and I can feel good again.

Other than this stomach thing I am doing great. I have been playing outside with the kids, jamming on my guitar and other things that were part of my normal life before cancer.


Monday, June 2, 2008

Transplant Day +49

Hello again!!!

Well, nothing new to write about for me. Megan is back on call, so that is going to help our finances a lot. The boys and Abbys' last day of school and day care is Thursday, so I have been playing the hell out of my guitar while I can!!

I hope you all are doing well!!!


Sunday, June 1, 2008

Transplant Day +48

Hello y'all!

Things are going good for me. My colonoscopy was negative, nothing wrong there. I am still having some discomfort with my side and stomach, but I am learning to live with it. Next Monday I am going to have an endoscopy, where they still a scope down my throat and have a look at my stomach. I hope they find something so it can get fixed!!!

Other than that I am doing well. I mowed the lawn today and hung out with my family instead of laying in bed all the time.

That is all for now!
